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Tax Time: 1098-T FAQs

A pig wearing glasses using a calculator with an image of a 1098-T form.
Posted about 5 years ago  in Parent and Family News.

What is Form 1098-T?

Colleges and universities are required by U.S. law each year to provide each student who is a US person for tax purposes with Form 1098-T. This form will assist students and their families in computing any tax credit or deduction they may be able to claim, based on amounts they have spent for education.

Students from outside the United States should visit for important information. Most international students do not need Form 1098-T for any purpose.

Will I receive a Form 1098-T?

Every UC student whose student account had financial transactions post to it during the calendar year will have online access to their Form 1098-T or receive it in paper form in January. You may receive Form 1098-T even if you did not attend class during the calendar year. Receiving Form 1098-T does not necessarily indicate that you are entitled to claim any of the education-related tax credits or deductions.

What should I do with my Form 1098-T?

You should immediately give it to whomever is responsible for preparing your tax returns (typically a parent or professional tax preparer). If you prepare your own tax returns, you should keep your Form 1098-T in a file with your other tax documents.

How can I get a copy of my Form 1098-T for a prior year?

You can download 1098-T forms for years 2019 and prior in Catalyst at If you need assistance with logging in, contact the IT@UC Help Desk at (513) 556-4357.

Will parents receive a copy of Form 1098-T?

Form 1098-T is issued ONLY in the name of the student. Each student can authorize a parent or other person to access their Form 1098-T in Catalyst by following the instructions at under the Registration & Records heading then Delegated Access.

My student is attending UC during Spring Semester 2020, but some or all of those amounts are missing from the 2019 Form 1098-T. Why?

Form 1098-T reports only those transactions that posted to your student account during the 2019 calendar year. If your student registered, dropped or added classes, or made payments for Spring Semester 2020 after December 31, 2019, those amounts will be reported on your 2020 Form 1098-T (available January 2021).

What information is listed in box 1?

UC uses Box 1 to report the amount of tuition paid by, or on behalf of, the student during the calendar year for qualified tuition and related expenses less any reimbursements or refunds made during 2019 that relate to those payments received during 2019.

To assist you with determining the amount of qualified tuition you paid during the year, we recommend downloading the student's bill for each relevant semester. Those bills are available in Catalyst for Fall Semester 2016 and forward.

To view answers to additional FAQs, visit

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