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Introduction to UC: Important Student Tools

A screenshot of the Canopy portal showing red, black, and gray tiles listing important digital platforms
Posted over 4 years ago .

UC offers many web resources and platforms to support your student's academic and co-curricular journey. Your student will use these tools daily during their time on campus. This quick guide briefly explains how each tool supports your Bearcat in their UC experience.

The Canopy portal (pictured above) brings these important tools together in one place. Bearcats can easily select the resources they need to use.

CampusLINK is an online community for UC students to discover opportunities to get involved on campus, join and manage student organizations, and see all campus events in one place.

Canvas is UC's learning management system. Your Bearcat will use this site to engage with their classwork and find information such as the course syllabus, assignments, grades, and more. Student Orientation is also being held in Canvas this summer.

Catalyst is UC's student information system. Your Bearcat will use the site to register for classes and pay their bills.

    Handshake is UC's career platform. Students use the site to connect with career centers and recruiters and to find job and internship opportunities. Your Bearcat can network with companies and organizations specifically seeking UC students.

    Microsoft Outlook
    UC utilizes the Microsoft Outlook email client. Your student has their own UC email, which is their The username is their 6+2. 

    UC Mobile App
    The university's official mobile app is the quickest way to access everything UC from your phone. The app includes UC news, maps and shuttle routes, OneStop student services, and more. As a family member, you can also download the mobile app!

    Orientation Questions?? Comment on this post or email for more information!

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    Adriana Otarola Cuadros over 4 years ago said

    My daughter is not able to sign in into Starfish, she is getting an error stating it is unauthorized. It is our understanding she needs to register her phone number on Starfish to be able to get appointment with advisor.

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    Whitney White over 4 years ago said

    Hi Adriana - Students should call 513-556-HELP for any log in troubles. They can also reach out to the advisor and try to schedule an appointment directly. Let us know if she still has any trouble.


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