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Next Steps: University Housing

A residence hall room shows two beds and a nightstand
Posted over 4 years ago.

Next Steps for University Housing

UC's Return to Campus Guide was shared by UC President Neville Pinto on Wednesday, July 1. Additional information about fall housing, including safety measures and physical distancing guidelines, are provided in the guide. Additionally, the UC Housing website provides current and ongoing updates on the housing process. 

  1. Next week (week of July 6), your student will receive their room selection timeslot. Timeslot communications will be sent to their university email. As a reminder, timeslots are based on the week in which your student's application fee and deposit were paid. We recommend your student assign group leader privileges* to the roommate with the earliest timeslot. Entering first-year students will be able to self-assign rooms and roommates starting in mid-July. Students residing in Living Learning Communities (LLCs) will begin self-assignments on July 15. The open self-assignment process will be held July 21-31.
  2. Housing contract dates will be adjusted to match the revised Academic Calendar for the Fall Semester. The university has developed an addendum to the Housing Terms & Conditions for the 2020-21 Academic Year that all students will be required to review and acknowledge prior to any self-assignment opportunity. Full details will be provided in the Timeslot notification sent to your student next week (week of July 6).
  3. If your student's plans have changed and they no longer need University Housing, please have them log into the housing portal to submit a cancellation request. If your student is no longer attending the university, this request does not cancel your admission. Please contact Admissions to ensure your student's records are updated if they wish to cancel their admission. 
  4. Students residing outside a 50-mile radius of the Uptown Campus may request exemption from the University Housing requirement by completing the Freshman Exemption Form found in the housing portal on the “Forms” tab. An additional exemption category has been added for students enrolled in all online classes who wish to remain at their permanent residence.
  5. If your student desires a single room, we will work to accommodate the request. If no single occupancy rooms are available, a limited number of converted spaces will be made available at a modified rate. Students are encouraged to contact our office if no single spaces are available during the self-assignment process.
  6. Move-In reservations will open on July 29. The move-in process will open on Friday, August 14 and extend through the start of the school year on August 24, 2020.

* If your student has a roommate group of greater than two people, they will need to have a conversation among their group to decide how or if the group will be split. There are other residence hall options that can accommodate groups greater than two, however availability may be limited. Your student's new group(s) can plan to select adjacent rooms, rooms across the hall from one another, or rooms on the same floor, etc. In many cases this will work out, though we cannot make guarantees. We advise your student (and their planned roommates) to make backup selections in case their first choices are not available.


Any students or families with concerns are encouraged to reach out to the University Housing team prior to July 15. Contact options are email at or phone at 513-556-6461. 

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Tina Page over 4 years ago said

My daughter has a group of 4. With no quads available now, and as a Freshman, will they have the opportunity to secure a suite in Turner, Schnieder or Marian? If so, when the leader goes in to secure the suite style for the 4...see more

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Whitney White over 4 years ago said

Hi Tina - Yes, the group leader can add multiple rooms to their "Shopping Cart" at once. The FAQs here explain more:...see more

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Teresa Bridgewater over 4 years ago said

Hello, am I correct that my daughter needs to let housing know by July 15th if she is choosing to live at home doing online courses? Her room selection date is not until July 27th.

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Teresa Bridgewater over 4 years ago said

Follow up to my original question, if my daughter decides to do online classes after her room selection time slot which is after the 15th how does that affect housing since the deadline is the 15th?

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Ann Corey over 4 years ago said

My son had a late dorm picking windowed and the only place left was apartment style. Do they have dishes, silverware provided? Or must he bring everything?


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